Web standards: for interoperability and Accessibility
Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre, Metz, France, July 10th, 2003.
Tristan Nitot
Mozilla and OpenWeb.eu.org contributor
http://StandBlog.com/ - tristan@nitot.com
A bit of (Web) History
- In the beginning was SGML
- For the Web, Tim Berners-Lee has derived HTML (with hypertext and
minimal number of elements) from SGML
- Competition with Netscape and Microsoft has lead to tremendous
(but anarchic and undocumented) innovation. (The Browser War)
- 1996: W3C was created to 'bring the Web to its full potential'
and create Web standards with the implementors and users
Which Standards, by the way?
- (X)HTML (document structure)
- CSS 1 and 2 (Cascading Style Sheets)
- W3 DOM (Document Object Model)
- ECMAScript (AKA JavaScript)
An infant in bad shape
- Bad habits have been taken by Web developers during the browser
- Tag soup is plaguing the Web
- Most pages are correctly rendered by accident!!!
Very difficult to author content
- Authoring for 2 browsers was a nightmare.
- Now that modern browsers are flooding the market how can we deal
with all of them?
- Mac : Gecko, MS-Tasman, WebCore/KHTML, Opera
- Win : Gecko, MSHTML, Opera
- Linux : Gecko, KHTML, Opera
Costly to maintain
Updating a page often means asking for help to IT people (high risk
of breaking something when updating pages)
Web sites were tailored for IE 4+ and Netscape 4+ graphical browsers
- What about Braille displays?
- What about screen readers?
- What about users who cannot navigate with a mouse?
- What about Connected PDAs?
Not ready for international
- More than half of the users are outside the US.
- How can they search for pages in their own language?
- How to display content in various langages without charset info?
Makes browsers bloated
- Browsers are very complex/bloated to be able to handle existing tag soup having to replicate rendering bugs in older browsers.
- Just an example, Mozilla has four rendering modes (Quirks, almost-standards, standards, XML.)
- Slows down innovation for low-power devices, which cannot implement that many rendering modes.
Very hard to index and search
- The web is not machine readable
- Only Google and a few search engines have invested enough money
to catch what's important in a web page
- A unique opportunity to change the Web before it's too late
Using the standards
- Separate structure from presentation
- Semantic (X)HTML for content structure
- CSS for presentation
- Validation to make sure your code is standards-compliant.
Benefits for users:
- Accessible
- Pages load faster
- easier to use
Huge benefits for entreprises and web developers:
- Lower bandwidth costs
- Better ranking in search engines
- Easier (cheaper) to maintain
- Broader audience (compatible with modern browsers
- Vendor independance
- Long term compatibility with XML (future-proof content)
- XML processing tools available for free
Let's dive into technical details
- Start with a valid template
- Separate content from structure
- Use semantic, strict markup (XHTML 1.0 being more rewarding than
HTML 4.01)
- A template to start with
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">
<title>My own page</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<h1>What a nice page</h1>
<p>Just a sample for FR language, with iso-8859-1 encoding (western Europe) and XHTML 1.0 Strict.</p>
Linking to a style sheet
In the head element:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css"
media="screen" title="default style" />
Applies the style sheet to the page
Insert some stuff into the style sheet:
body {
font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
color: white;
background-color: black;
background-image: url("coucher-soleil.jpg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;}
Demos : the power of CSS
- Local demo with/without style
- Test Styles Bookmarklet : change the layout in real time
- Standblog / Switcher
- CSS Zen Garden
DTDs and validation
- HTML is the grammar of the Web
- Need to parse it without ambiguity
- Several grammars are available
- HTML 2.0, 3.2, 4.01, XHTML 1.0, 1.1...
- Doctype indicates what grammar is used.
- Validation: making sure that document complies with indicated
- Needed to ensure correct document rendering
- Use http://validator.w3.org/
or HTML-Tidy
Buy standards compliant Web sites
Web Standards and validation for the Buyer
They are the best tools to
- Ensure Web site quality (the thing they pay for)
- Ensure Vendor independence
- To limit hidden mainenance costs
Read 'Buy Standards Compliant Web sites' on W3.org
Back to benefits
- Accessible (we'll see that later)
- Pages load faster
- Better ranking in search engines
- Compatible with more browsers
- Easier (cheaper) to maintain
- Long term compatibility with XML (future-proof content)
Conclusion for Web developers
- How do we embrace Web standards?
- validation
- throwing out pixel-perfect and absolute designs
- ensure your tools support standards
- configure your tools to support standards
- demand standards-compliant sites from your contractors
- define a process to improve the quality of your Web site
Conclusion francophone ;-)
- http://openweb.eu.org/
- http://pompage.net/
- Une liste de discussion pour partager les expériences : http://pompage.net/liste/
- http://standblog.com/
Conclusion for the End User
- Some web sites are “optimized” for certain browsers
- Find contact info (webmaster) and send this person a polite e-mail asking why they do not support standards
- Connect to http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ and report Tech Evangelism Bug for your country with exact URL and the issue.
- Help with Tech Evangelism effort.
What is accessibility
- Importance : ability for the electronic information to be changed
to suit the user's needs
- The Web is for everybody
- The Web is even more important for people with disabilities than
for non-disabled persons
How do people with disabilities use the Web?
Vision Disabilities and adaptive technologies
- Reading / no vision
- Braille displays
- Screen readers
- Reading / low vision
- Screen magnifiers
- Reading / colourblindness
- No adaptive technology...
Other disabilities and associated adaptives technologies
- Physical
- Mouse / Trackball
- Keyboard / switches
- Cognitive / learning disabilities
- Hearing impairment
Some scary statistics
- disabled users currently make up around 10% to 20% of the
population in most countries
- two million people in the UK registered with serious sight loss (source: RNIB)
- The average age in many countries is increasing over time
Some selfish reasons to be accessible
- Broaden the audience
- Be useable from connected PDAs and smartphones
- Accessibility means more usability
- You'll probably end up with sight problems sooner or later
Accessibility and the law
- USA, Canada, UK and Australia
- Web content accessibility is mandatory to government web sites and -depending on the country- to all businesses Web sites
- All Europe but UK
- 2003: European year for people with disabilities
- Europe Accessibility Certification being put in place by W3C. http://www.euroaccessibility.org/
W3C and accessibility
- Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) started in 1999
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0) is current
- Working on WCAG 2.0 (draft issued june 24th, 2003)
- Also working on Authoring tools accessibility guidelines and User
Agent (browser) Accessibility Guidelines
WAI Guidelines
- Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content
- Don't rely on color alone
- Use markup and style sheets and do so properly
- Clarify natural language usage
- Create tables that transform gracefully
- Ensure that pages featuring new technologies transform gracefully
- Ensure user control of time-sensitive content changes
WAI Levels
- Single-A : good;
- All priority 1 checkpoints are met.
- Double-A : better;
- All Priority 1 and 2 checkpoints are met.
- Triple-A: ideal.
- All Priority 1, 2 and 3 checkpoints are met.
The more “A”, the better :-)
Testing your site
Limits of “validation” technology for accessibility: tools are not smart enough.
- Need for human testing
- Use you site with the keyboard only
- View your site on text-only browsers
- Use adaptive technology (JAWS test version downloadable for free)
Accessibility testing tools
- Bobby used to be the most used tool at some point
- WAVE 3.0 http://www.wave.webaim.org/
- Cynthia Says http://www.contentquality.com/
- A-Prompt windows software http://aprompt.snow.utoronto.ca/
The inaccessible buildings of tomorrow are built today, on the Web.
We have the power to change that.
Do we want to?