Useful Resources
These resources, for my Dad, are all the people and organizations who
have helped us to make this site possible. You remember the Oscar ceremony
? It's the same, here ! Dad would like to say thank you to everybody
in the team, without you, things wouldn't be this way....
"Real People" :
- Let's start with the best one : Benoit
Rigaud, who has been really quick at doing the CountDown
Java applet. Benoit is currently doing is Cooperation. Cooperation
is a form of military service where you help third world countries to cope
with misery. Benoit was lucky (or lazy) enough to go to switzerland,
which is, as you may know the richest country of the third world in Europe. (Maybe
just the richest country of europe). I have told you this guy is smart
- Regarding design of this site, I would like to thank Uncle Benjy :
Benjamin Nitot, whose nickname is
Benito (nothing to do with the Italian democrat ;-)) during WW2). Uncle
Benjy does several things on the Internet,
and in newspapers... I like him very much ! He has designed the "Virtual
Bob Logo" and helps Daddy maintaining this site. Since he cannot control
the layout, he silently considers this site layout as a real mess.
- For his moral support "Uncle Damien"
and "Aunt Sophie". Aunt Sophie is in charge of Public Relations
and Press Releases for the Virtual Bob Site.
- For the first link to this site, thank you to Jacques
Gabay. If you want to see Jacques' Site, please clik here
- For stupid ideas : Arnaud
Blanc-Nikolaïtchouk. Arnaud is as Silly as you get when you try
to spell his name. He suggested to display, in Real Time, my
bottle's level in this page. But he refused to write the Java Applet
to do so ! Lazy man ! Anyway, I do not want any electrode on my bottle
connected to Dad's Laptop !
Thanks to Daniel Schneersohn
Official Norton Antivirus Provider of this Site. (Anyway, I have never
seen any Virus written with HTML...) Uncle Daniel is cool, except he calls
me Alexander, even if everybody knows that my name is Bob, Virtual Bob.
- Laurent Ladrière,
for his tasteless humor : He dared to send this e-mail message to me :
A lady wants to give a nice present to her husband, who is fan of
Brigitte Bardot (famous french actress whose Nickname is B.B.). This
is why she tattooes her butt with these two letters , B.B. When her husband
comes back home from work, she bend over to show him his "present". Then
the husband says : "Who is this, BOB ?"
Some organisations - (not real people, but cool anyway !)
- Inforoute - My Internet Service
Provider. They allow me to store these pages on their site for free ! What
are you waiting for subscribing ?
- PartnerSoft
- Dad's office. The Compaq Laptop I use to create these pages
is provided by PartnerSoft. Merci PartnerSoft !
- Symantec - Official Antivirus
Provider for the "Virtual Bob Site".
Thanks to you all !
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